SAS x NCSU Partnership, Data Visualization, UX/UI

February 2023 - May 2023

Hive: Reducing Food Waste through Data Visualization


For the 10th anniversary of a collaboration between SAS and NC State Design, SAS sponsored a 9-week project culminating in a broadcast virtual presentation at the SAS headquarters in Cary to over 800 people. We designed an original data dashboard to respond to a specific scenario that a logician working at DECA Foods may face. Our interface, HIVE, proactively translates and visualizes live data by leveraging artificial intelligence and IoT sensors.


Collaborators: Alexis Boone, Morgan Peele, Quynh Vo


March-May 2023


UX/UI Designer


Information Architecture, Visual (UI) Design, Data Visualization


Figma, Figjam, Adobe Illustrator

DECA Foods, a fictional multinational food distribution company, is seeing increased food waste in the supply chain. Our challenge was mitigating this issue by designing a dashboard visualizing live data.


This project focuses on the distribution process of avocados from Mexico to the Southeastern United States. Using IoT sensors and intelligent alerts visualized through the HIVE dashboard, products are delivered to distributors on time and in excellent condition, reducing food waste.

Hive: A hub for monitoring DECA Food’s live supply chain distribution process and the quality control of goods, promptly responding to alerts utilizing AI integration.


Hive’s data visualization toolkit:

An interactive map with stackable filters, scalable resolution, and a customized view of the avocado distribution process.

An intelligent alert system with AI integration to allow users to enact changes to supply chain disruptions quickly. Hive logs and stores historical data to make informed predictions and decisions.

Live tracking includes the real-time data of the map, IoT sensors and the delivery timeline.

Why Avocados? 80% of exports originate from one area, creating a major sustainability issue.


As a group, we could select our product and region of interest. The excessive demand for avocados has led to a significant loss of biodiversity and soil degradation in Michoacán, and we found the challenge at DECA Foods particularly relevant to avocado production and distribution as there is a need for sustainable processes.

Designed for a logistics manager, who oversees the efficient flow of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumption.


Scenario: A truck malfunctioned in transit, and the orders must be transferred as soon as possible to ensure the shipments reach their destinations on time and in good quality.

Luigi monitors shipment statuses on the dashboard page and gets an alert that a truck broke down. He checks the quality of the shipments within the car that broke down and sees that everything is within normal range. The system intelligently suggests three nearby trucks to which Luigi can switch orders. Luigi clicks into all three trucks to compare how much time it adds, the sensor functionality, and the available inventory within the trucks.


We mapped the dashboard sections based on our user scenario, including the alerts, main dashboard, sensors, and messaging.

My primary responsibility was designing the alerts page and how the dashboard adapts to address alerts quickly. Utilizing human-factors frameworks, including the SEEV model, the alerts are intended to draw attention without being too distracting or frequent. We focused on the interactions the user takes to respond to an alert with the assistance of artificial intelligence.

Iterations for a user-friendly and intuitive dashboard experience to access data while reducing cognitive load for the user.


Early in our iterations, we knew a map was essential. Still, through experimentation, we ideated a possibility that broke the generic notion of rounded rectangles on the dashboards we see so frequently. We expanded the map to be the size of the background to maximize visibility and the sidebar to reduce cognitive load.


Customizable Dashboard: An easy-to-use scalable map to hone in on specific points within the distribution process.

The collapsed sidebar gives “quick” data to reduce cognitive overload and see the essential information first. Visualizations of the map are adaptable based on a filtering and search system that allows the user to customize their view. Simply zoom in to adjust the level of detail visible on the map.

Intelligent Alert System: Alert notifications with AI-integrated solutions to quickly resolve issues. Ability to enact changes, store data, and review history.

Utilizing AI technology, the system generates possible ways to remediate the error, visualizing and highlighting essential information that the user needs to be aware of. After evaluating possible options, the system allows Luigi to quickly enact changes, which then automatically notifies stakeholders at DECA Foods.

Live Tracking: Allows the user to receive real-time data on the quality of the goods and the exact point an order lies within the distribution process.

Luigi can watch a truck in transit, and if he clicks on that specific truck, he can access live data about the sensors in the car. He can access a particular order using the search system to see its precise location and status in the delivery process.

Adaptability and thinking outside of the box to visualize complex systems.


This collaboration between SAS and NC State Design was a great learning experience in applying the design and user experience principles we learned throughout undergraduate to a complex and relevant topic. Before this project, I had not formally speculated on the capabilities of artificial intelligence, nor did I have a background in IoT technologies. While the freedom and depth of this project were initially intimidating, I learned extensively about design systems, emerging technologies, data visualization, and collaborating in tech.

We were challenged to think about creating a human-centered experience while also ideating upon innovative design solutions that push boundaries and break molds. Expanding upon this project, I would like to explore more visualization capabilities of the map and the user experience of a mobile interface.


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